time you time zone today at 10 UTC bio tokens will be officially launced on sport trading that is the only way to buy them when you did not participate in launch pool be patient
Zayby Khan
Be aware of this As many of you know about the #bio launching I just got a message from someone that there is new listing in web 3 I don’t do web 3 just tried to make him understand how will you swap your assets. LOL i just bought #bio in web 3 worth of 10 dollars and that time everyone were sitting on edge to be gain great profit. But as they are showing risk factor that this contract has blacklist mechanism and can blacklist your address.
I tried to swap but it’s been blocked. So the msg is don’t run to any new coin. DYOR Understand the market, who is behind it As much i know web 3 is not for everyone. Expert can give some guidance. #BTc #Web3 #bio
Avertissement : comprend des opinions de tiers. Il ne s’agit pas d’un conseil financier. Peut inclure du contenu sponsorisé.Consultez les CG.
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