The widespread adoption of crypto will not significantly benefit most people.

Crypto bulls often shout about it’s potential to democratize finance and provide greater financial inclusion for all.

However, there are several reasons why this potential may not be realized.

1st, cryptocurrency is still a relatively niche technology.

Despite the recent surge in popularity, crypto is still only used by a small fraction of the global population.

This is due in part to the complexity of the technology, lack of understanding by the general public and the lack of widespread adoption by merchants and financial

2nd, crypto is a highly volatile asset class.

Even BTC pumps and dumps daily, making them a risky investment for most people.

This volatility is likely to discourage widespread adoption, as most people generally stay away from high risk assets when it comes to their finances.

3rd, there are significant challenges to scaling cryptocurrency to a global level.

The underlying technology of crypto, blockchain, is still in its early stages of development and is not capable of handling the transaction volume that would be required for widespread

Do you not want to be early to a space that has the potential to turn into a multi trillion dollar industry?

That’s how early we are.

When BTC’s spot ETF gets approved, there will be billions, if not trillions of dollars poured into the markets from institutions and retail alike.

A large percentage of those funds will go into building infrastructure to make crypto more globally accessible and also into education of the general public about crypto.

By the time crypto becomes so easily accessible and “safe”, it will be harder to get 20x-200x returns, if not impossible.

Most of us are currently in the “Wealth Creation” phase.

But after the bull run when we’ve 50x our bags, we will need to get into the “Wealth preservation” phase, for me that means accumulating BTC and holding for 10-20 years as we truly watch it become digital gold and adopted by more and more countries.