Let's get in more detail with an example on how Spot Trading and Future Trading with cross margin defer in terms of risk and rewards.

Let's say you have $200 USDT in your Trading account and you open long positions for #btc and #eth in you spot trading account. If the price of one of the coin goes down and you want to do Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA), you will have to sell the other coin or dip in you stable coin reserve. That will limit you ability to take advantage of market correction. But at the same time, if any of the coin goes on to further down due to any unforeseen event, your other coin will not have any impact.

Now, assume the same scenario in Future trading with 20X cross margin and same position (i.e., $100 USDT for both coin). In this case, net margin exposure will be 5% of your capital and you will have $190 USDT to buy at lower price in case of market correction. You might even open a new position for another coin like #ada and diversify you portfolio and increase your return on investment. However, keep in mind that by using cross margin, you are exposing all the coin to any possible liquidation scenario like the event of #FTT or #Luna . As if any coin looses too much value, it can take down the entire portfolio. Hence, risk management becomes very important and one should not take large leverage positions to avoid any liquidation risk.

Please note that this hypothetical scenario for a bull market.

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