Understanding #Avive Token Distribution Percentage According to KYC Score

  Score ≥ 90

·         Initial Unlock: 30% of your tokens.


·         Remaining Unlock: 70% released monthly over 18 months.


·        Airdrop Details: For 30% of your claimable tokens, half will be airdropped to your wallet before listing, and the other half within 5 days after listing.

Score 80–89

·        Initial Unlock: 22.5% of your tokens.


·        Remaining Unlock: 77.5% released monthly over 22 months.


·        Airdrop Details: For 22.5% of your claimable tokens, half will be airdropped to your wallet before listing day, and the other half within 5 days after listing.

Score 70–79

·        Initial Unlock: 15% of your tokens.

·        Remaining Unlock: 85% released monthly over 26 months.

·        Airdrop Details: 15% of your claimable tokens will be airdropped in your wallet within 5 days after listing.

  Score 60–69

·        Initial Unlock: 7.5% of your tokens.

·        Remaining Unlock: 92.5% released monthly over 30 months.