đŸ„ł đŸ’” THE TIP Culture and why it's good. (Opinion Piece) đŸ€” đŸ€Œ

Growing up in a major city 40 years ago I'd see people, like my Dad, give tips to everyone who's job it was to lend a helping hand.

Doorman? Tip
Grocery Bagger/Tip.

Everyone got a little something. It was just the way.

Today there's still a tip culture though maybe changed slightly.

Giving out small 'thank yous' in monetary form will never go away, and it never should.

Take TipCoinETH for example... a cryptocurrency project that aims to reward social interaction on X by using points and tokens.
Users can earn points by tweeting, replying, or quoting tweets that mention @tipcoineth and $tip. The more engagement they get, the more points they earn. Points can be claimed for TIP tokens, which are based on the Ethereum blockchain. The name Tip comes from the idea of tipping friends and creators without leaving the X platform.

And there's also tipping now right here on Binance Square. Leaving me a tip would be a mightily fine deed, absolutely. To nostalgia...to tipping!