🔍 The Hidden Dangers of Ignoring Crypto Audits: Lessons from Q3 2023 and OneCoin 🚨

Hey, it's Linkan! 🙋‍♂️ Think audits are your safety net in the crypto world? 🤔 Think again! Hacken's latest findings and the infamous OneCoin case are here to shake up your beliefs. Let's dive in! 🌊

Hacken's eye-opening research, republished on Binance News, reveals a shocking truth: most rug pulls in Q3 2023 lacked audit reports. Out of 78 examined, only 12 had audits. 😲

But wait, there's more! Remember OneCoin? This high-profile case led to losses between $4 billion and $15 billion. While not a traditional rug pull, it's a cautionary tale we can't ignore. 🚫

Key Takeaways:

1️⃣ Audits Aren't Bulletproof: An audit is a tool, not a guarantee. 2️⃣ Learn from the Past: Cases like OneCoin are wake-up calls. 🛎️ 3️⃣ Know the Signs: Familiarize yourself with common rug pull patterns. 🕵️‍♂️

Open-Ended Question:

🤷‍♂️ How do you vet crypto projects before diving in with your hard-earned money?


#BinanceSquare #CryptoAudit #RugPull #OneCoin #Web3Trends


🛑 This content is not financial advice. Always do your own research before investing