Sustainable computing concerns the consumption of computing resources in a way that means they have a net zero impact on the environment, a broad concept that includes energy, ecosystems, pollution, and natural resources. Sustainability strategies in computing tend to focus on energy and the transition to clean energy
Sustainable computing, therefore, involves not just clean energy but also developing policies around the right to repair and recycle materials through a circular economy, improving the energy efficiency of hardware and software, and promoting good governance of resources, transparency, and consistent reporting.
Data centers account for an estimated 1% of global electricity consumption and increasingly contribute to a worsening environmental crisis. However, innovative computing solutions that promote sustainable energy use are being developed in response. Ultimately, achieving net-zero-energy, data centers will require even more creative approaches to integrating and co-designing technologies for electricity generation, storage, and management. This is where CUDOS comes in

One of the key advantages of using CUDOS is that it allows businesses to efficiently utilize resources without wasting them unnecessarily. By utilizing virtualized infrastructure and shared resources such as storage and networks, businesses can ensure that they are not wasting any precious resources while still being able to access all the necessary information they need quickly and easily.

By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, CUDOS ensures a secure, scalable, and efficient ecosystem for executing distributed applications. Unlike traditional cloud computing platforms that rely on centralized servers, CUDOS leverages blockchain technology to distribute computing tasks across a network of participants