Making this post because I hope someone will listen and stop getting in some financial pyramid like mem coins and coins with out fundamental future. I hope I don’t need here to explain what is financial pyramid and people who don’t know will google it, because if they not google that mean they will or lose money or make money when someone will lose and in the end lose everything. Let’s start from favourites SOlANA when no one know about it price rise up and up after on YouTube and every where is noise about it grow over 10x people look and buy, price dump every analysis says it little dump after pump and people you have discount, and people again blind buy it and price dump to most low and noise stop about it (not mention Solana frod projects like snickers and other shit). Who not sell it after long term just get 5 dollar profit from one coin because they sell it when it was profitable because they was to long in minus, who buyed it when no one was speaking about it congrats you are in 0.0001% of people. Great story but now they recover and done fundamental ecosystem because they now how financial pyramid works and jump from it with rebuilding. I wanted to make larger post but I hope again people will understand last words and what I’m talking about, with Pepe Shib and Doge and other name coins with out nothing behind I mean use of something you will in they end lose everything because my they will rise price once or iven 2 times but in one day pyramid will crash. Because when from air money will stop go to the owner he will make new peramid and in this situation money are people who buying air. My recommendation is to watch or read how really coins and crypto currency work and market work and stop buying air with some blind believe to get rich some day because this market is not about this only about hard work and stone will to take profit. Thanks for reading this P.S. just all they time I see posts about this sh*t and see people who believe LAST time I hope people will try to make some work on them self and stop playing air drops on telegram $SOL $NOT
Avertissement : comprend des opinions de tiers. Il ne s’agit pas d’un conseil financier. Peut inclure du contenu sponsorisé.Consultez les CG.
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