#linea :

Image Source: Linea Mirror

Linea represents a groundbreaking zero-knowledge rollup (zk-rollup) solution that boasts full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Its primary objective is to address Ethereum's scalability issues by significantly increasing transaction throughput while substantially reducing associated fees.

Image Source: ConsenSys


  1. Linea leverages an innovative, in-house-developed, lattice-powered prover that harnesses zkSNARK technology, enabling the rapid generation of proofs without necessitating a trusted setup—an inherent limitation of zkSNARK technology.

  2. Compared to the Ethereum mainnet, Linea anticipates transaction fees to be markedly more cost-effective, offering a 15-20 times reduction in expenses. This reduction aligns with Linea's track record of prioritizing developer tooling and infrastructure.

  3. It seamlessly integrates with developer favorites such as ConsenSys' MetaMask, Truffle, and Infura, providing a developer-friendly environment.

  4. Moreover, Linea places a strong emphasis on composability and accessibility. It is engineered to be easily approachable, ensuring that developers do not require specialized knowledge in zkE.

Being a zkEVM chain that mirrors the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in full:

  1. The Linea chain is designed to closely resemble Ethereum in both its appearance and functionality, making it compatible with nearly all currently available Ethereum decentralized applications (DApps).

  2. Furthermore, developers and protocols have the flexibility to seamlessly migrate their existing code from Ethereum to Linea without the need for extensive code revisions or additional auditing processes. This streamlined transition process simplifies the adoption of Linea for those already familiar with Ethereum development.

    What’s Next for Linea?

    Image Source: Linea Doc