A look at one of the teams building in TZAPAC’s incubator program.

A few days ago, a game called Block Reflex dropped into my lap. At first glance, it just seemed like a simple memory game. You flip over two cards, exposing their hidden symbols. Successfully matching identical symbols clears the cards, and “clearing” the board nets you the win. What caught my attention was the game records your best time directly on-chain. That’s right, every board you clear becomes a permanent, verifiable achievement, all thanks to OnChainVision Labs (OCV).

Not long after clearing a few boards in Block Reflex, my mind began racing around how even a basic memory game could lead to an accurate permanent record. Instead of chasing a personal best score stored in a server, your top score becomes part of an ongoing, shared history outside the game. And all of this is made possible through OCV’s tools by making these records more tangible and lasting.

A Creator’s Playground

For developers, OCV opens the door to a world of possibilities. Creating interactive experiences, like Block Reflex, doesn’t require deep technical expertise in blockchain. The platform allows you to build digital assets using familiar web design tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while offering direct consultation from OCV to meet your personal needs.

The Asset Studio consists of several tools developers can use to explore, manage, and build assets. Each tool simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on simple integration instead of compromising your creativity. If you want to add some permanent record, like the game I played, or maybe even push the envelope further, OCV is ready to help.

Breathing Life Into Digital Art

What happens if you add an element of audience participation into your NFTs? Imagine creating a piece of art that instantly reacts to a viewer’s interactions or a painting that slowly shifts colors based on the time of day. OCV lets you take things a step further. Their examples in their marketplace frankly blew me away. Watching the TetraClocks update in real time is unbelievably satisfying.

If you’ve been looking for opportunities to engage with your audience directly through your art, this could give your projects a new experience. The artwork can take on a life of its own as it shifts and changes, adding a deeper and more memorable connection for your audience. With tools like this, OCV allows artists to breathe real life into their work.

Real-World Applications for Digital Assets

Another potential avenue for exploration is OCV’s push to bridge real-world physical assets into the digital space. Let’s say, for example, you own a piece of real estate. Instead of a listing consisting of photos or a street-view-style walkthrough, a listing could be an immersive, 3D digital version of the property that someone could explore more deeply. By linking these assets to digital representations, OCV enables greater transparency and interactions.

Enhanced Development with Etherlink Support

OCV has chosen support for the Etherlink network. Integrating Etherlink, an L2 on the Tezos network, allows OCV to handle interactive digital assets quickly and efficiently. Etherlink also makes it easier to scale creators’ projects and simplifies the management of digital art and game assets.

The Future of Digital Interaction

What excites me about OnChainVision Labs is the collection of tools and support they have provided in one place. Imagine what will happen when people realize how much easier it is to implement meaningful and memorable web3 aspects into their projects. Even the simple process of recording and preserving a high score, like Block Reflex, turns a game traditionally played with cards on a table into a digital competition worldwide.

Between artists, developers, or even someone curious about where digital technology is heading, OCV is providing the tools and support to get you started right now. With the right tools, you might be surprised at where the journey takes you.

So, what will you create? OCV is ready to help you push the limits of your imagination.

OnChainVision Labs: Tools To Bring Your Assets To Web3 was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.