The Australian Federal Police (AFP) confiscated $6.4 million in cryptocurrency from the suspected leader of Ghost, an encrypted platform used by criminals. The 32-year-old man from New South Wales was arrested under Operation Kraken and charged with supporting a criminal organization. The AFP's success was attributed to an analytics specialist who uncovered the suspect's digital wallet seed phrase during a raid. The seized assets were moved to a secure AFP cryptocurrency storage under the Commonwealth Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. This marks the second seizure under Operation Kraken, following a previous $1.4 million confiscation. The crackdown on Ghost involved international cooperation, with Europol, FBI, and other agencies targeting the platform. The AFP's Operation Kraken led to 46 arrests, 93 search warrants, and the seizure of illicit firearms and cash. Most Ghost users were located in New South Wales, with others in different Australian regions. Read more AI-generated news on: