To earn $100 daily from spot trading, set a realistic profit goal and break it down into manageable targets. Aim for 4 trades with $25 profit each or 2 trades with $50 profit. Start with at least $10,000 for safer trading, but be prepared to accept higher risk with lower capital.

Focus on popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ($BTC ) or Ethereum ($ETH ) or high volume latest trending coins like $SUI with high volume and price movement. This ensures quick entry and exit without significant price changes.

Employ day trading, scalping, breakout trading, or swing trading strategies. Day trading involves short-term trades lasting minutes or hours, while scalping makes several small trades for $10-$25 each. Breakout trading occurs when prices break key levels, and swing trading holds trades for 1-2 days during strong market trends.

Utilize simple technical analysis tools like moving averages to spot trends, RSI to identify oversold or overbought coins, and Bollinger Bands to measure volatility.

Manage risk by never allocating more than 1-2% of your capital per trade. Use stop-loss to protect your capital and take-profit to lock gains.

Stay updated on market news and updates. Diversify trades across several cryptocurrencies and track progress with a simple log.

With discipline and good risk management, earning $100 daily from spot trading is achievable. For instance, with $5,000, aim for a 2% return ($100) through 3 trades with $33 profit each.

Remember, consistency and patience are key. By following this straightforward approach, you can work towards achieving your daily profit goals.

"Consistency breeds success; discipline fuels profitability."