Currently the market performance of BTC & ETH :

The BTC price has dropped a maximum of 62825 and gained +4.02% . Short position entry price of 65460 . (From Yesterday Update 1)

In BTC Market still maintains the Bearish momentum. If there are any changes happening I will share the updates.

Yesterday ETH Update 1 given more than 1.5% gain then yesterday night market momentum has changed, Bearish to Bullish. At that time I made mistake in my analysis that's why Update 2(Bullish) given a loss of -1.5%. Update 3(Bearish) has given +0.89% then today morning ETH market entered Bullish Momentum.

Yesterday I made mistake that's why we facing the loss of -1.5% in ETH update 2. In the upcoming days I will not made a mistake and I will provide my best updates.

I hope everyone makes good profits from our analysis.

Keep supporting for receiving accurate analysis for day profits.

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