You may encounter countless posts from individuals claiming to have made millions in crypto, particularly with lesser-known coins. But here’s the truth:

#### Screenshots Can Be Misleading

Anyone can create a fake photo or alter numbers. Just because someone shares a screenshot doesn’t mean they actually profited that much.

#### What About the Money?

Let’s explore a situation where someone really did make millions from a coin that has only $3 million in trading liquidity. Here’s where things become tricky:

#### Selling Challenges

If a lot of people decide to sell at the same time, the coin's price will likely drop significantly. Trying to turn those millions into actual cash could lead to selling for much less than expected.

#### Insufficient Liquidity

Consider having a coin that’s worth $1 million on paper, but with only $3 million available in the market. If you try to sell your $1 million worth, there won’t be enough buyers to absorb it all at once without crashing the price.

#### Be Critical

When you see someone bragging about profits from a low-liquidity coin, take a moment to think. Are they truly capable of cashing out those crypto assets with such limited liquidity?

#### See the Bigger Picture

Keep in mind that not everyone can cash out millions from a small coin. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Always scrutinize those profit screenshots. Real gains in crypto, especially from obscure coins, are often much harder to achieve than flashy images suggest. Do your due diligence and assess how realistic it is to actually cash out.

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