You might come across numerous posts showcasing individuals claiming to have made millions in crypto, especially with lesser-known coins. But here’s the reality:

#### Screenshots Can Deceive

Anyone can fabricate a photo or manipulate numbers. Just because someone shares a screenshot doesn’t guarantee they actually earned that much money.

#### What About the Funds?

Let’s consider a scenario where they genuinely made millions from a coin with only $3 million in available trading liquidity. Here’s where things get complicated:

#### Selling Issues

If many people attempt to sell at once, the coin's price will plummet. Trying to convert those millions into real cash could result in selling for significantly less.

#### Lack of Funds

Imagine holding a coin valued at $1 million on paper, but there’s only $3 million total available in the market. If you attempt to sell your $1 million worth, there simply won't be enough buyers to purchase it all at once without causing the price to crash.

#### Stay Skeptical

When you see someone boasting about profits from a low-liquidity coin, think critically. Are they genuinely able to convert those crypto assets into real cash with such limited liquidity?

#### The Bigger Picture

Remember, not everyone can withdraw millions from a small coin. If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is.

Always question those profit screenshots. Real profits in crypto, especially from obscure coins, are far more challenging to realize than flashy images may imply. Do your research and consider how feasible it is to actually cash out.