The trading bot sector has truly taken off in the past two years, mainly due to the rapid development of the on-chain environment. A few years ago, we were excited about the possibility of simple on-chain swaps through Uniswap, but now DEX volumes are at an all-time high and continue to grow. This is largely because the on-chain environment is becoming more professional, often offering better features and opportunities than centralized exchanges (CEX). Trading bots are the technical pinnacle of this progress, and for experienced users, they can bring substantial profits.

Top Trading Bots According to data, the current top three bots are #Bonkbot , #Maestro , and Trojan. As shown in the data below, each had nearly 400,000 users and billions of dollars in trading volumes.

Obrázok, na ktorom je text, snímka obrazovky, číslo, písmo<br /><br />Automaticky generovaný popis

All of these bots operate on a fee model. Users typically pay 1% of their trading volume for using the bot. A portion of this fee goes directly to the bot's creators, while the rest is distributed to the token holders of the respective project. This creates a sustainable revenue model, one of the very few in crypto that isn’t based on inflation.

Hidden Gems While many new projects are emerging in this sector, most of them are likely to fail. However, a few have the potential to dominate the market, and one of them is #FatBot , along with its $FATTY token. is a comprehensive ecosystem where the token itself has multiple utilities. Thanks to smart tokenomics, $FATTY token holders can earn up to 3x higher rewards than competing projects – all of this through sustainable, fee-based rewards in ETH/SOL.

A fortunate aspect is that this project is still in its pre-sale phase. The quality of the project is underscored by the fact that it is being developed by the CleevioX studio, which also worked on the development of the BananGun bot, currently ranked in the top 4. Their #BANANA token currently has an FD cap of $400 million. On the other hand, #Fatty token is currently priced at a 22m FD cap in pre-sale, so if it reaches a similar capitalization, we're talking about a potential +2000% return on the token, with the added bonus of 3x higher rewards from fees in SOL/ETH.

The quality of this project is further supported by the fact that it has caught the attention of multiple funds, and several VC investments have already been publicly announced.

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