Cyber Gang Nabbed in Lucknow A group promoting fake gas agency ads on Facebook scammed Rs 34 lakh from a victim and three arrests the

Fraud in Karimnagar a man was arrested for embezzling Rs 20.18 lakh Indian I.C using fraudulent SIM cards linked to bank accounts.

Kolkata SIM Card Scam Four people were arrested for smuggling SIM cards to Cambodia for use in cybercrimes.

Navi Mumbai Scam Two residents lost Rs 2.62 crore through different fraudulent schemes, including a stock market scam.

The platform also reports on international cybercrime like a cybersecurity breach at MoneyGram and a cyberattack on Arkansas City water treatment system.

This site serves as a resource for staying updated on global and local cybercrime Activities including prevention strategies law enforcement effort and notable arrests now Indian police action need cybercrime.