If you're looking for ways to identify the upcoming fulfillment of imbalanced prices in the market. Then, you're in the right place.

Here's why.

   The fulfillments that must happen in the crypto market are due to the fact the market is in constant out of balance and balance state due to the volatility of its nature. We follow the equilibrium rule where everything must stay in balance in order to attain full progress of the market economy. Gaining knowledge as to how the market maintains its equilibrium state will take your whole market perspective into another level.

Let's take ARKM as an example.

   After a massive decline, ARKM has experienced a state of stillness and another accumulation was brewing. These accumulations were motivated by the fact that every after decline, there is a movement that must be followed. This is balancing the market with its buyers and sellers interest. Many take into account that the equilibrium is always in the middle part of a certain price range. Although, we highly regard equilibrium as the state where the market must be balanced. The previous decline provided a shortage since all the supplies available in that time were already distributed fully. Devouring the supply, all of the available demands will then create waves of buying momentum causing the unfulfilled parts of the market to be in a state of equilibrium. The three bearish daily candlesticks highlighted were the estimated unfulfilled gaps that the market must take in order to be in equilibrium. Almost every time you can see a pattern forming a 'W' shape since the retest mostly happens at the 2nd line of the W and another attempt to break the retest and resistance will be on the other side of the W. This is what you call as the market's equilibrium state and as well as bargaining grounds. Some would continue to bargain at lower prices although most would bargain above the new support where the decline stopped.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.