The account that collected the BTCs that came out in the first 2 months of Bitcoin moved again

Recently, the movements of Bitcoin wallets from years ago have started to increase. Today, a wallet that took BTC from mining in the first 2 months of Bitcoin added a new one to its transfers in the last 3 weeks. The wallet owner, who collected BTC when the Bitcoin price was almost never formed, sent 5 BTCs to the Kraken exchange.

The period when Bitcoin was formed and the system first started working, a heap that obtained BTC from mining took action years later. This wallet obtained a total of 1225 BTC from its mining in February and March 2009.

He bought it from scratch, he never sold it

This account, which made various transfers in 2011 and 2014, never sold. The wallet owner, which stopped the transfers in 2014, was silent for 10 years. The wallet, which reached 475 thousand dollars in 2014, has exceeded 80 million dollars today...

However, this wallet, which moved for the first time 3 weeks ago, made a new transfer today and sent 5 BTCs to the Kraken exchange. This wallet has made a total of 10 BTC transfers. All BTCs were sold over Kraken.

Another similar wallet was awakened

As it is known, recently 5 wallets belonging to the Satoshi period were activated at the same time and 50 BTCs were sent to new addresses.

Social media wonders: Who are these guys?

Recently, while the transfers of such wallets have started to come across a lot, the Kraken stock market tweeted about the subject, "The original Hodlers... We are honored."

Bitcoin supporter and investor Lark Davis also commented, "Who these guys are, it's incredible."