Bitcoin Wallets from 2009 Stir Back to Life: 250 BTC Moved

Recently, Whale Alert highlighted a major event in the crypto landscape: 250 BTC, worth over $15.9 million, was transferred from five long-dormant Bitcoin wallets. These wallets, associated with early miners, each received 50 BTC in January or February 2009.

Lookonchain notes that many of these wallets have been inactive for over 15.5 years. For instance, one wallet that first received 50 BTC on February 2, 2009, recently moved its holdings, yielding a profit of around $3.17 million. Others followed, each generating similar profits of about $3.18 million.

Given that Bitcoin was valued at less than $0.01 in 2009, these early adopters are seeing profits exceeding 8 billion percent. With Bitcoin currently trading at $63,104 and having risen 17.5% in the past two weeks, the reactivation of these wallets underscores the continued involvement of early miners and investors.

This noteworthy activity highlights the necessity of tracking significant cryptocurrency transactions.

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