Solana holders, can you believe it? Just at the start of 2023, you could grab $SOL for around $10 per token, and here we are in 2024 with a YTD range between $78 and $209!

Few assets can match Solana's epic rise over the last 12 months. Even though things cooled off post-March highs, $SOL continues to outperform. Take a look at the numbers—just last September, it was trading at $18, and now it's sitting at $148, a massive 747% increase!

So, what's driving Solana’s success? đŸ€”

It’s simple: a fast blockchain with low transaction fees—that’s what people want. Back in 2021, we saw the rise of "ETH killers" like Solana, Avalanche, and Fantom. While Ethereum was (and still is) the dominant force in smart contracts, these Layer 1s tried to challenge its crown.

And for a time, it looked like Solana might succeed. $SOL even surged an insane +2,078% against $ETH, outperforming many of its competitors.

However, most of these "ETH killers" have now fallen back, struggling to regain momentum. But not Solana. ✅

While others have faltered, Solana thrived, offering speed and affordability that filled a major gap in the market. With its stellar price performance and key metrics backing it, $SOL continues to deliver results.

But now, the question is: Can Solana hold its throne against new challengers like Aptos and SUI? đŸ€”

Both projects have launched blockchains with more efficient, secure programming languages, and the race is on to see if any of these "SOL killers" can replicate Solana’s explosive rise. Let’s dive into these contenders:

The Origin of SUI and Aptos

Back in 2019, Meta (formerly Facebook) had plans to create a global blockchain and digital wallet. Though these projects—Diem and Novi—didn’t materialize, their legacy gave birth to Aptos and SUI.

  • SUI was created by Mysten Labs, founded by former Novi leads, with deep expertise in software, cryptography, and cloud computing.

  • Aptos, launched by Aptos Labs, was also formed by ex-Novi leaders, bringing significant blockchain experience to the table.

Both projects boast experienced teams and have raised similar levels of funding, with SUI raising over $330M and Aptos securing $400M, each at a valuation of over $2 billion.

💡 The real battle now is whether these new challengers, Aptos and SUI, can replicate Solana's meteoric rise and offer serious competition. The stakes are high, and the blockchain throne is up for grabs. 🏁