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If a Binance Futures trade goes against your position, you can manage the situation by following these strategies:

1. **Set Stop-Loss Orders**: Always have a stop-loss in place to limit your potential losses. If the market moves in the opposite direction, your position will automatically close at a predetermined price.

2. **Monitor Leverage**: High leverage increases both profit and loss potential. If your trade is going against you, reassess the leverage level. Consider reducing your leverage to minimize losses.

3. **Consider Hedging**: You can open a counter-position to hedge your initial trade. For example, if you are long on a coin, consider opening a short position to protect against losses.

4. **Use Take-Profit Levels**: In addition to a stop-loss, set take-profit levels to secure gains if the market reverses before hitting your stop-loss.

5. **Manage Risk**: Follow the 1% to 2% risk rule. Only risk a small portion of your capital on each trade to avoid significant losses.

6. **Monitor Market Conditions**: Reassess market conditions and news. If your position is moving against you due to a market event, it might be best to close the position early to avoid further losses.

7. **Avoid Emotional Trading**: Stay calm and avoid making impulsive decisions. Reassess the technical and fundamental analysis before making a decision.

8. **Use the Binance Futures Insurance Fund**: If you're at risk of liquidation, the Binance Insurance Fund may cover losses up to a certain point, but this should be a last resort.

These strategies can help you manage losing trades and minimize potential losses.