With the Q4 of 2024 just hovering about, the cryptocurrency market has been at its highest potential. In that respect, three cryptos specifically stand out to gain investors' interest: Bitgert, Ethereum, and Cardano. Bitgert is an absolutely new player in the game that features almost no-fee and super-fast transactions. Ethereum is the giant of giants, home to a variety of decentralized applications. Cardano boasts academically muted ostensible modesty. So, out of these three digital powerhouses, which one would be at the top in the price race in 2024?

Bitgert, Ethereum, Cardano—Ecosystem and Features Compared

Bitgert is based upon the Brise Chain, a smart contract-enabled blockchain running on the new Proof of Authority consensus algorithm. Unlike Ethereum and Cardano, the ecosystem features novel solutions, like an on-chain payment gateway called PayBrise, along with a decentralized marketplace. Ethereum, being one of the first with smart contracts, boasts a considerable number of decentralized applications and has completed the shift to Proof-of-Stake. Cardano, unlike Bitgert or Ethereum, employs peer review with its Ouroboros consensus protocol and multi-layer architecture. Although Ethereum and Cardano have larger ecosystems, the main focus of Bitgert rests on better practical applications—for instance, its payment gateway and marketplace, and likewise—all of which position it uniquely in the ever-budding crypto domain.

Bitgert vs. Ethereum vs. Cardano Market Performance Analysis

As of the latest market data, Bitgert, in contrast to Ethereum and Cardano, was up 3.4% on September 19, 2024, which, along the same upward pace for September 15th, recorded 1.4% growth. Ethereum also moved upwards with a 4.4% hike on September 19th, 3.5% on September 14th, and 4.3% on September 3rd. Cardano also jumped 2.4% on September 19, 1.8% on September 14, and 2.7% on September 7. Unlike Cardano or even Ethereum, for that matter, Bitgert has experienced a remarkable increase, considering its latest launch in 2021. The token so far has recorded over 47 million transactions—representing very active market sentiment.

Why Bitgert is the Better Choice compared to Ethereum and Cardano

One of the outstanding factors that differentiate Bitgert from its rivals is its consensus of Proof of Authority, bringing faster transaction finality compared to either Ethereum's Proof-of-Stake or Cardano's Ouroboros protocol. While Ethereum has its very complex upgrade process, Bitgert, with its modular architecture, paves the way for more straightforward implementation of new features. While Cardano's entirely academic approach prevails, Bitgert puts all efforts into practical applications such as the PayBrise system. The big challenge facing Bitgert at this point is wide-scale adoption. Regardless of that, its unique feature is a buyback mechanism that regulates the value of the token; for this reason, it establishes rapid growth. Bitgert's approach may thus drive massive adoption in the coming year.

Key Takeaway: Who’s Gonna Win it Big Among Bitgert, Ethereum, Cardano?

Though Ethereum and Cardano are in solid standings within the market, Bitgert has a set of unique features and growth potential that is going to make it way more exciting in 2024. Its Proof of Authority consensus, practical use cases, and the token buyback mechanism might devise massive price surges. Nevertheless, while making investment decisions, detailed research into all three cryptos—Bitgert, Ethereum, and Cardano—should be done, keeping in mind individual risk appetite.

To know more about Bitgert, visit https://bitgert.com.