

Experience the excitement of earning $25 on #Binance! 🌟 Delve into the world of crypto and unlock your reward with our quick guide. Don't miss out—seize the opportunity to boost your wallet today! 💸

First, visit Binance and open Binance Pay. You'll see a button labeled 'Get Up to 25 USDT.' Click it, and an interface will appear about sending Red Packets to earn up to 25 USDT.

Now, create a Binance crypto box. In my opinion, use the BTTC coin to create Red Packets, as you'll receive around 781,571 in 1$USDC . #BTTC Generate any amount of Red Packets, such as 100 #BTTC or 500 #BTTC. Share your Red Crypto Box code with friends or on social media. You will find many groups on Telegram , Facebook and many more. If 25 people claim, you'll get 0.5 USDT. If 100 people claim, you'll get 1.5 USDT, and if 400 people claim your code, you'll get 6 USDT. In total, if 900 people claim your crypto box, you'll get 17 USDT.

Claim my Crypto Box to get 1000 BTTC coins. Click here or copy the code, go to the payment option, enter the box code, and click 'Claim.' You'll receive 1000 BTTC. My Code: BPAQC7W7PT

Write Down your crypto Box Code bellow to shear and complete your box to Earn 25$ #CryptoEarnings"