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$BTC Current Price (63,340): The red dashed line shows the current Bitcoin price, indicating where the market is currently positioned.

Leverage Levels: The chart shows different leverage categories:

100x Leverage (orange)

50x Leverage (yellow)

10x Leverage (blue)

25x Leverage (green)

These colors correspond to the volume of liquidations at different price levels for each leverage category.

Left Side (Red Curve): This curve shows the cumulative liquidation potential for short positions as the price rises. The higher the price moves, the more short positions (those betting the price will fall) are likely to be liquidated.

Right Side (Green Curve): This curve represents the liquidation potential for long positions as the price falls. If the price drops, these long positions (those betting the price will rise) will face liquidation.

Volume Bars: The colored vertical bars in the middle represent the volume of liquidation orders at different price levels. The tallest bars show where the most liquidations are expected to occur for the different leverage levels.


The areas with higher vertical bars indicate significant liquidation risks. If the price moves towards those levels, large liquidations may trigger further price volatility.

For instance, there are substantial liquidation clusters around 62,154 and 64,050, where a large number of leveraged positions may be forced to close if the price hits these points.$SXP $FIDA #DODOEmpowersMemeIssuance #CATIprediction #BTCReboundsAfterFOMC #FOMC