Uninformed optimism > Informed Pessimism > Informed Optimism.

Stage 1 - Uninformed optimism

When we enter the world of trading we all have outlandish expectations. We think we’ll be rich in a year, driving a Lambo, making millions from a few hundred dollars invested.

The first few weeks in trading is an incredibly exciting time, as you imagine the life you’ll be living soon ~ sitting on a beach sipping cocktails with not a care in the world.

But very quickly (usually within a couple months) we enter stage 2…

Stage 2 - Informed pessimism

After losing all your money to scams, signal groups or personally gambling in the market you realise “oh… it’s actually not what it’s cut out to be” and we wise up to the reality of trading.

It’s hard, it takes a lot of time to master & it isn’t going to pay you anything near what you expected it to when you first began.

In the informed pessimism stage, most people give up, but those who stick around will eventually move onto the third stage…

Stage 3 - Informed optimism

With enough time in the market you understand that trading is not an easy game. You know it’s going to take a few years of dedication & you know it’s going to take you a lot longer to reach your ultimate end goal than you initially thought.

But all of this new information gives you an edge. Now you’re informed about the reality of trading and you know what steps you need to take to get it right & actually build a career in the game.

This is the stage of the journey where everything becomes clear and you can start your slow & steady journey towards success.

So which stage of the journey are you in?

If you’re in one of the first 2 steps… I hope this information can help you jump forward & skip a few months or years of pain, so you can start building from a place of informed optimism.

And if you want to cut some years off your learning curve, then I can help you do just that.