_⛔️✋️🚨Bitcoin Standard Author Challenges Michael Saylor: Should Banks Offer Yield On Your BTC?_ 🚀

$BTC $BNB $SOL 🌏⤴️🪙

A heated debate has erupted in the Bitcoin community! 🔥

_The Challenge 🤔_

Dr. Saifedean Ammous, author of "The Bitcoin Standard," has challenged MicroStrategy's CEO, Michael Saylor:

"Should banks offer yield on Bitcoin?" 💸

_Ammous' Argument 📝_

- Bitcoin's value lies in its scarcity and store-of-value properties 💰

- Yield on BTC undermines its decentralized nature 🌐

- Banks can't guarantee Bitcoin's security 🔒

_Saylor's Counter 📊_

- Bitcoin's adoption requires institutional investment 📈

- Yield on BTC attracts investors, fuels growth 🔥

- Regulated banks can provide secure storage 🏦

_Expert Insights 💡_

"Yield on Bitcoin is a contradiction. It's either sound money or a speculative asset." - Dr. Saifedean Ammous

"Bitcoin's yield can democratize access to financial services." - Michael Saylor

_Community Reaction 🗣️_

- Pro-yield: Increased adoption, financial inclusion 🌎

- Anti-yield: Compromises decentralization, security 🔒

_What Do You Think? 🤔_

Should banks offer yield on Bitcoin?

_Join the Conversation! 💬_

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- The Bitcoin Standard

_Disclaimer: 🔍_

Cryptocurrency markets are volatile. Invest wisely.

The debate rages on! Share your thoughts on Bitcoin yield! 💬