🚀 **Crypto Mining in Ukraine Amid Conflict: A Deep Dive** đŸ‡ș🇩

- **High Adoption**: Ukraine remains a top country for crypto adoption, even during conflict.

- **Mining Data**: From July 2023 to June 2024, Ukraine had 3 active mining pools with 6 miners, consuming 33 kW/hr.

- **Electricity Use**: In April 2024, miners used 616 MW/hr, comparable to large industrial enterprises.

- **Cost Analysis**: Mining 1 BTC costs $46,291 in electricity; in Ukraine, it’s $12,540 due to lower rates.

- **Legal Status**: Crypto is legal but underdeveloped in regulation; new reforms are in progress.

- **Future Prospects**: Despite challenges, Ukraine’s cheap electricity and crypto enthusiasm could make it a mining hub.

💬 **What do you think about Ukraine's crypto future? Share your thoughts below!**