Hey Trust Wallet fam,

We’re aware of a series of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) posts surrounding the Trust Wallet token ($TWT).

Although we are unsure where this fud originated from or why it was chosen to be circulated, we can confirm for both of the rumours that are being spread - they are not true. In one instance, someone had photoshopped a image claiming TWT was being delisted from Binance, misleading a lot of the community.

So, to confirm:

1️⃣ TWT has not been ‘hacked’.

2️⃣ TWT is not being delisted from Binance.

We would like to thank the number of reactive community members who saw the fud, looked into the data and confirmed that the rumours were not true, and shared their findings - helping to minimise the impact and inform the broader crypto community.