After vanishing a decade ago, the mobile game 'Flappy Bird' has resurfaced as a mini app on Telegram, with plans for a crypto token on The Open Network. Notcoin, the tap-to-earn Telegram game, is collaborating on the revival, introducing the game to the TON ecosystem. However, the return has sparked controversy as the original creator, Dong Nguyen, denies involvement. The Flappy Bird Foundation acquired the trademark from Gametech Holdings, distancing Nguyen from the project. Despite Nguyen's disapproval of crypto, the game is set to integrate TON for future updates. The revival promises new game modes and characters, aiming to engage the gaming community on Telegram. This move aligns with the growing trend of crypto gaming on platforms like TON, with Notcoin leading the way. The return of 'Flappy Bird' marks a significant development in the intersection of gaming and blockchain technology. Read more AI-generated news on: