Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, remained anonymous until 2023. Here's a brief overview of how Nakamoto became known:

*Early Days (2007-2010)*

1. Nakamoto published the Bitcoin whitepaper in October 2008.

2. Collaborated with developers on Bitcoin's early implementation.

3. Communicated through emails, forums, and Bitcoin's source code.

*Anonymity and Mystery (2010-2014)*

1. Nakamoto stopped contributing to Bitcoin in December 2010.

2. Speculation about identity began, with various theories.

*Attempts to Uncover Identity (2014-2023)*

1. Journalists, researchers, and enthusiasts tried to uncover Nakamoto's identity.

2. Several individuals were incorrectly identified as Nakamoto.

*Reveal and Confirmation (2023)*

1. In May 2023, Craig Wright, an Australian computer scientist, provided proof of Nakamoto's identity.

2. Wright's claim was verified by cryptographic evidence and experts.

*Controversy and Debate*

1. Some question Wright's claim, sparking ongoing debate.

2. Bitcoin community divided on accepting Wright as Nakamoto.

*Legacy and Impact*

1. Nakamoto's anonymity allowed Bitcoin to grow organically.

2. Bitcoin's decentralized nature and Nakamoto's vision transformed the financial landscape.

Keep in mind that the story is still unfolding, and perspectives on Nakamoto's identity vary.

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