"A routine is a set of rules applied consistently over a long period of time in pursuit of a result or goal."

What is the purpose of a routine?
- To discover what works for us and what doesn’t. (Very important: It must be personalized and never copied. NO trader is the same as another).

- To uncover that 20% that generates 80% of our results.

- To identify the core principles or essence of a subject.

Ideal number of rules:
There isn’t an optimal number of guidelines. It doesn’t have to be 10, like most "ten-commandment" lists that are floating around out there.

The number is established by the individual as they delve into their research. In fact, we could say that it’s the research process itself that dictates the appropriate number of rules.

Generally, in the beginning, the number is important, but over time and with each revision, it gradually reduces, sometimes even down to a single rule. This happens a lot in both physics and chemistry: a final formula that sums up an entire complex process of discoveries.

In the beginning, it's also common to divide the rules into several different categories. But, again, as the process advances, everything simplifies into one rule that holds the power of all the others combined.

When it comes to trading, we can draw premises from different areas: risk management, psychology, technique... basically, all the essentials of the trade and anything else that might influence the success of your strategy.

It's common to read quotes from famous traders. That quote alone might mean nothing to a novice, but for someone who's gone through the entire process to reach that point, it carries significant weight. It condenses within it the sum of all the rules that compose it.

In my case, that process has led me to a single principle: "Cut losses, let profits run."

It’s a well-known phrase, found everywhere and widely accepted in the trading community. But only someone who’s experienced the process to reach that conclusion truly understands all that it entails, and the number of secondary rules that it encompasses.

It’s as if all your experience is concentrated into a single point. One single point that becomes the cornerstone of your entire trading strategy, and which you must adhere to with rigorous discipline.