Last night’s Kamala-Trump debate was nothing short of a disaster. Both candidates missed the mark, and America deserves more.

Trump’s Wild Claims: He veered into the absurd, suggesting that immigrants “eat cats and dogs.” Not only is this offensive, it’s utterly baseless.

Kamala’s Missed Opportunities: She failed to address critical issues. Immigration, for instance, which is projected to bring $8.9 trillion to the economy in the next decade, was barely touched.

Climate Change: A 30% rise in climate disasters costing $300 billion annually is looming, yet no clear plan from either candidate.

Healthcare Crisis: With nearly 30 million uninsured and drug prices soaring by 25%, both candidates glossed over real solutions.

Economic Inequality: The wealth gap keeps widening, with 10% of Americans controlling 70% of the country’s wealth, yet neither Kamala nor Trump presented a strategy to tackle it.

Though Kamala may have edged out Trump in post-debate polls, neither showed the leadership America urgently needs. Time for a real conversation.