Central banks collectively WILL inflate even more moving forward. Central banks will continue increase the global “money” supply (further devaluing the currency), and continue to keep rates artificially suppressed. This mechanism will further distort asset prices WAY beyond what we are seeing now. Moreover, you can expect that economic conditions will continue to worsen and the Middle-Class will get squeezed even harder. And the top 1% and 2% will get richer than ever.

- See Cantillon Effect.(Look it up)

We can FULLY expect that any kind of reality with regard to a real economy, and a market with a true price discovery mechanism behind it, will continue to elude us.

So what do we do?

From a financial standpoint WE STICK TO OUR PLAN.

Stay long the stock market.

Gain exposure to commodities.

Gain exposure to Crypt.$XRP #GrayscaleXrpTrust #RLUSD #XRP_ETF