WDL — Your Investment in Ecology and the Future with Windly EnergyThe WDL cryptocurrency from Windly Energy is a unique digital asset that combines ecological initiatives with cutting-edge blockchain technology. WDL is not just a token but an entire ecosystem designed to support and develop renewable energy worldwide. In 2024, WDL offers investors the opportunity not only to earn but also to actively participate in creating a sustainable future for the planet.What is WDL? WDL is a cryptocurrency developed by Windly Energy to support its clean energy production activities. Each WDL token is tied to the real capacity of wind turbines installed by the company worldwide, making WDL one of the few tokens backed by real, tangible assets.WDL Tokenomics: How are tokens distributed? The WDL tokenomics have been designed to support not only the company's operational activities but also the long-term development of the Windly Energy ecosystem:Community (70%) The majority of tokens are allocated to support the community. This allows participants to earn rewards for engaging in projects such as installing wind turbines or running carbon footprint reduction campaigns. Loyalty programs are also provided, where long-term supporters of the company can receive additional tokens.Ecosystem Development (8%) A significant portion of the tokens is aimed at developing infrastructure and introducing innovative technologies to enhance clean energy production efficiency. Windly Energy also supports startups and partnership projects that contribute to the growth of green energy.Reserve Fund (6%) The WDL reserve fund ensures the company's financial stability and flexibility. These tokens are used to cover unforeseen expenses and fund social and environmental initiatives, making the business resilient and prepared for any market challenges.Team (10%) Tokens are allocated to motivate employees and attract talent to the company. This helps create a strong corporate culture and retain key personnel, which in turn supports the company's long-term growth.