Wow, this is super exciting!

Get ready for something big! GemSquads Season Four is here, and it's about to change how we interact with farms

You get to vote for your favorite trading pairs, and those votes will earn farming rewards!

It's simple: the more you vote, the better the rewards for your chosen pairs

There's a huge pool of 10,000 $STON (worth around $55,000) up for grabs, and the top 10 trading pairs will get a share

The first-place pair will earn 1,750 $STON, and even the 10th place will take home 100 $STON. Even if your favorite pair didn’t make it last time, they still have a chance to shine because of the $GEMSTON they’ve already earned

To join in, all you need to do is visit the event page, pick a trading pair, and send $GEMSTON to boost your favorite farm. Voting is open until September 16, and farming starts right after on September 17

A perfect chance to shape the future of farming rewards!

I can’t wait to see what's coming

#ston_fi #StonTokens #ston #TON