🚀 **From $5K to $94K in Two Years: Here’s How I Did It!** 🚀

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My first month of trading brought in $5K to $6K, and within two years, I reached $94K. Want to know how? Let’s break it down:

✅ **1. Stick to a Simple Trading Plan**

My priority was to develop a straightforward trading strategy. This included which setups and assets to trade, how much to invest per trade, and the risk I was willing to take. Simplicity is key!

✅ **2. Set Realistic Goals**

I focused on steady, incremental growth. With proper risk management, aiming for $50-$100 per week on a $500 account is a realistic and achievable goal. Small wins add up!

✅ **3. Focus on Consistency**

I followed my plan to the letter, every single day, no matter what. Even if the gains were small, I played the long game. Consistency over quick money is what truly pays off in the end.

✅ **4. Scale Slowly**

Once I started seeing consistent profits, I slowly increased my trade size to boost my earnings. But I knew this also meant bigger potential losses, so I made sure I was mentally prepared before scaling up.

💡 **Be Persistent**

Trading isn’t easy. You will face failures along the way. But the key is to get back up, stay persistent, and never give up—no matter how tough the journey gets.

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