Few hours ago, Telegram updated its FAQ. Take a look at the before and after when it comes to illegal content on the messaging app.

What's illegal content on Telegram? How do I take it down?

All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.

What about now? Without any public notice, they have made a change to the above statement as seen n the image below

Telegram changes FAQ on illegal content

It is obvious that this has to do with the arrest of the founder and CEO, Pavel Durov. But what does this mean for you? What do you need to know?

Well, this signals a shift in its stance on privacy or how it handles user data. Here's what it might mean:

  • Increased Data Transparency or Compliance: Telegram may now be more open to processing requests from governments or third parties regarding user data in certain circumstances, such as legal investigations or compliance with local laws.

  • Potential Changes in Privacy Policy: The removal of this statement may indicate that Telegram is evolving its privacy policy, possibly reducing the absolute privacy that group and chat participants previously had.

  • Monitoring or Data Access: This change could imply that Telegram is now open to accessing or processing user chats under certain conditions, whether for safety, moderation, or legal reasons, which was previously off the table.

  • More Governmental Scrutiny: It may suggest that Telegram is preparing for increased government pressure or regulation, particularly in countries where messaging platforms are required to cooperate with authorities.

We await an official statement from Telegram for clarity on what this change specifically entails regarding user privacy. But as it stands, it seems Telegram is about to lose what it was most oved for - user privacy!
