#BinanceTournament #BRC20 #SATS #FET #ATOM Is it possible for the Bitcoin value to drop to $1 and then purchase 5,000 bitcoins, and when the value goes up again sell them to become a millionaire?

Yes, it is possible that BTC could drop to $1.00.

Back in March 2011, the price of BTC dropped from $2.50 to $1.00.

A few months later (June, 2011), BTC surged to $31.91. When that happen, sceptics decried it ever going higher, especially to a ludicrous price of $100.00. Pundits and grey-haired economists said that BTC was a rat-poison-squared bit-jizz Ponzi scheme that would quickly burst its bubble and die. This was the first of many exaggerated reports of BTC's death.

If you bought 5,000 BTC on that day in 2011, you would be now in the upper middle-class. Rich, but not a whale. When BTC equals US dollar parity (Global M1; BTC = $390,000; 1 sat = $0.01), you'd have been a multimillionaire. However, that drop to $1.00 happened in the past and as far as the future goes, will only happen one more time. Just once. When BTC has lost favor and its last mining rig is turned off. When that happens, BTC will enter the hallowed halls of Deadcoins.com.

You wouldn't want to be buying BTC when that happens.

Mark my words - it will happen. Maybe not today, or next year. But likely no later than sometime after the last of 21M Bitcoin is ever mined in 2140. Because if there's little to no incentive to work, people revert to their lazy genes, lose their hunger and allow corruption to take over. Proof-of-work prevents the devil's work.

But enough of my proselytizing. Just be cognizant of Hal Finney's words: