Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we think about finance, applications, and digital assets. However, the journey to a secure and efficient blockchain ecosystem goes through trials and testing.

Testnets serve as the sandbox where developers experiment, fine-tune, and ensure the security of their creations before they hit the mainnet. Early testers usually get benefits from blockchains, and user interest towards them is growing.

In this article, we dive into’s commitment to providing an extensive range of testnets, opening up new opportunities for developers and users alike.

Why Testnets Exist

In the world of blockchain, testnets play a pivotal role. They are like digital laboratories where developers can test their projects without risking real assets. Testnets enable developers to:

  • Experiment with new features and upgrades.

  • Test the functionality of smart contracts.

  • Identify and fix bugs and vulnerabilities.

  • Collaborate and refine their projects in a safe environment.

Benefits of Testnets for Crypto Users

One integral aspect of this technological revolution is the use of testnets, which not only serve as vital tools for developers, but also offer a range of benefits for crypto users.

1. Early Access to New Ecosystems:

  • Testnets provide crypto users with early access to upcoming blockchain ecosystems. This means you can explore and engage with new technologies before they reach the mainstream.

  • Being among the first to navigate these ecosystems gives you a competitive edge, and positions you as an early adopter.

2. Hands-on Learning:

  • Testnets are ideal platforms for learning and gaining hands-on experience in the blockchain space without risking real assets.

  • Users can experiment with various features, transaction processes, and interactions within the blockchain environment.

3. Potential for Airdrops and Rewards:

  • A noteworthy trend in the blockchain world is the reward system for early users who actively participate in testnets. One example is the Mantle Journey initiative.

Mantle Journey aims to reward early adopters of the Mantle network, and one of the eligibility criteria is past testnet contributions. This means that interacting with test networks on Rubic can potentially unlock opportunities for airdrops and other rewards in new blockchain ecosystems.

Rubic’s Commitment to Testnet Integrations

At Rubic, we are committed to enhancing the interoperability across blockchains for users and developers. As testnets get more and more popular amongst users as a fruitful activity, it is important to offer this opportunity on Rubic, so that Rubic can grow together with new audiences the testnets can bring.

As of now, proudly hosts four testnets, each with its unique features and projects:

  • Goerli TestnetDesigned for Ethereum-based projects, the Goerli Testnet faithfully replicates the Ethereum mainnet environment. It provides developers with a seamless and secure space to test their dApps and smart contracts, ensuring they function flawlessly before deployment.

  • Scroll TestnetScroll Sepolia Testnet boasts seamless integration with Ethereum applications and tools, offering native compatibility that empowers developers and users alike.

  • Arthera Testnet: Arthera’s blockchain is a DAG-based blockchain that is fully EVM-compatible. Its implementation started from Go-Ethereum, the Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol, but with a different consensus engine and operating model, aimed at high transaction volumes, fast confirmation times, and low gas fees.

  • ZetaChain Testnet: An EVM-compatible L1 blockchain that connects everything. On ZetaChain you can build interoperable dApps that span any chain, including Bitcoin.

The journey doesn’t stop here. has ambitious plans for the future, with more testnet integrations in the pipeline. Some potential integrations include: TaikoAstar zkEVMObscuroConcordiumOmni NetworkLayer NIntmaxAncientFlare Network, and etc. These additions will enable users and developers to explore new ecosystems and test their projects across various blockchain platforms.

Advantages of Using Rubic’s Testnet Feature’s testnet feature provides several benefits:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy access to testnets, even for those who are new to the blockchain.

  • Robust Testing Environment: Developers can confidently test their projects, knowing they won’t affect real-world assets.

  • Resourceful Tools: provides resources, such as links to faucets and explorers, to facilitate testing.

How to Access the Rubic Testnet App

Getting started with’s testnet feature is easy:

  • Launch Rubic’s app.

  • Navigate to the “Testnet” section.

  • Select the desired testnet from the available options.

  • Follow the provided instructions to get started.

We are currently strategizing the integration of additional test networks, such as Taiko and other testnets, with the goal of expanding our test chain offerings to a total of 19 in the near future.

By providing accessible and secure testing environments, empowers blockchain enthusiasts to bring their visions to life without unnecessary risk. As we look to the future, the integration of more testnets promises exciting opportunities for innovation and experimentation. Explore’s testnet feature today and be part of the blockchain revolution!

Visit Rubic and explore the available testnets. Developers, test your projects on’s testnet feature to ensure a smooth transition to the mainnet.

Rubic’s Test Network B2B Integration Services

While primarily offers a diverse range of testnets for crypto users and developers, it also extends its services to blockchain projects looking to integrate their test networks. If your network is on the brink of launching and you have an open grant program, a working bridge (especially if it is one of our cross-chain providers) or DEX on your test network, Rubic offers an exciting opportunity for collaboration.

1. Seamless Integration:

  • Rubic’s integration services provide a seamless pathway for blockchain projects to introduce their test networks to a broader audience.

  • Our experienced team ensures a smooth integration process, making it easier for your project to reach new users and testers.

2. Access to a Growing Community:

  • By integrating your test network with, you gain access to our ever-growing community of crypto enthusiasts, developers, and users.

  • This exposure can be instrumental in attracting new users and building a vibrant ecosystem around your blockchain project.

3. User Testing and Feedback:

  • Rubic’s users can explore and test newly integrated testnets. This means that your project will benefit from a pool of dedicated crypto users providing valuable feedback.

  • User feedback is essential for identifying and addressing any issues or improvements needed before a mainnet launch.

4. Mutual Promotion:

  • Collaboration with also includes mutual promotion opportunities. We’ll feature your test network on our platform, making it easily accessible to our user base.

  • Additionally, we can explore joint marketing efforts to enhance the visibility of your project within the crypto community.

5. Bridging Networks:

  • If your blockchain project involves cross-chain functionality or requires bridge testing, Rubic’s integration services are a valuable resource.

  • We specialize in integrating and testing bridge solutions, ensuring they function flawlessly and securely.

6. Supporting Partnerships:

  • At Rubic, we are committed to fostering collaboration within the blockchain space. We can introduce you to the vast network of our partners, and pave the way for growth.

To sum up, Rubic’s Test Network Integration Services offer blockchain projects a unique opportunity to showcase their test networks to a broader audience, attract potential users and testers, and receive valuable feedback. Our collaborative approach not only benefits your project, but also contributes to the overall advancement of blockchain technology. Together, we can drive blockchain innovation forward.