**How to Drive Your Token Sales on Your Website**

Rubic’s #Cross-Chain Tools enable your platform to act as a gateway to buy your project’s token. An easy-to-install #Widget and a battle-tested #SDK let your users swap from any of 15,500+ tokens across 70+ blockchains to your custom token! Let us explain the value of Rubic’’s Tools for token owners in detail.

How to Make Your #Token Available

While coming up with the project’s strategy, you should think deeply about token sale distribution. Someone could buy your token with the most popular crypto such as $ETH or $BTC , others would seek fiat On-Ramp solutions to purchase it, and there are always those who would like to swap their stablecoins for your cryptocurrency. In that case, where would they go? Most probably #CEX , and hopefully #DEX ! Not only must you list your token on as many exchanges as possible, but users also need to leave your website and travel around the web looking for better rates, safer solutions, and faster transactions amongst numerous alternatives.

Rubic’s Cross-Chain Tools are a set of prebuilt UI components that enable token owners to install our aggregator or DEXs and bridges right on their page, while gaining interoperability between multiple blockchains. No more need for your users to leave your website and seek other bridges or exchanges!

Let’s Explore the Options

Rubic has 2 solutions to integrate a cross-chain DEX right into your website: The Widget and SDK. There are some differences in the process of integration and customization, but some things are universal. You may integrate either the SDK or Widget, and you’ll get features of the Rubic platform itself, such as:

- Cross-Chain Swaps of 15,500+ tokens across 70+ blockchains

- Swaps averaging 90 seconds

- Smart Routing: The best deal across 90+ DEXs & bridges

- 24/7 SupportOn-chain and cross-chain swaps in 1 clickAuto-refund function

- Extra Revenue & Customizable Fees

Explore more advantages of Rubic’s Cross Chain Tools at https://tools.rubic.exchange/tokenOwners.

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