Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity and even whether he is alive or not, appeared for the last time to the #Bitcoin community 13 years ago today and never returned.

Satoshi Nakamoto... Perhaps he will go down not only in finance but also in world history and will be one of the most talked about names in the future. The creator of Bitcoin, which we know today as the person who started the cryptocurrency and block chain technology, wrote his last message on the forum on December 12, 2010.

In his last message to the community that day, Satoshi said, "We have more work to do against DoS attacks." DoS attacks are known as cyber attacks that aim to overload a network so that it cannot provide its services to users.

Stating that he took various precautions against DoS attacks, Satoshi also stated that there were many attack methods and made warnings.

Bitcoin was around $0.20

Satoshi, who attended the forum in November 2009, was at the forefront with his active participation there. At that time, when Bitcoin was priced around $0.20, the network was still not resilient to DoS attacks, according to Satoshi.

He also opposed Wikileaks: We will be in shambles

On the other hand, those were the days when Wikileaks was most discussed and a lawsuit was filed against its founder, Julian Assange. While many people in the forum stated that Wikileaks should be supported, Satoshi stated that Bitcoin was not ready for this. Nakamoto said the following in his message on December 9 (2010):

“No, I do not support this campaign. The project has to grow gradually. Only in this way can software become stronger. I call on Wikileaks not to use Bitcoin. This project is still in its infancy and lives with its small beta community. It cannot withstand taking more than 3-5 cents worth of Bitcoins in your pocket. This intensity would probably shatter us..."

#SatoshiNakamoto who wrote a total of 575 messages in the forum, has neither written a message nor been online in the forum since that day.