The market has been boring these past few months, hasn’t it? Don’t you feel like you’re spending your life waiting for a BTC move that never comes?

I’ve received a lot of messages telling me this, and I need to explain why.

But indeed, the market has been moving very little lately, and it’s like this almost every year. The explanation is very simple: it’s vacation time, the “professionals” and the “whales” are not present in the market. They are the ones who move the market, not the small investors with their few hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of euros.

If these players want to move the market, it will move. If they don’t want to, it won’t. And that’s what’s been happening for several months.

Now that most people are back from vacation, the important players will undoubtedly want to move the market and recover the money from individual investors. But that’s another debate.

This publication is my personal opinion.

Thank you for reading.

PS: I have good news for you, following several requests from you, I have created courses to teach you how to invest seriously and calmly in the crypto market. These are currently only available in French on this site at a very affordable price (€29):

Would you be interested in courses in other languages? If so, let me know in the comments and in which language.

Livio P-V.