**News Flash: Ethereum's Dencun Update Sparks Layer-2 Boom, But Is It Too Much?**

Ethereum's recent Dencun update has triggered a surge in layer-2 (L2) blockchains, with 73 already listed and 82 more on the way, according to L2beat. However, industry leaders like Adrian Brink of Anoma and Vitali Dervoed of Composability Labs argue that the market is oversaturated. Brink believes only a tenth of these L2s are necessary, while Dervoed warns that too many L2s could harm interoperability and fragment the ecosystem.

Both experts stress the need for more user-focused applications rather than just infrastructure. "Without compelling use cases, broader audiences won’t care about blockchain," Dervoed said. The current trend of incentivized airdrops is also criticized for creating short-term activity without long-term value.

Despite the skepticism, some like Elena Sinelnikova of Metis believe each L2 can find its niche. The debate continues, but one thing is clear: the industry needs to balance infrastructure with real-world applications to sustain growth.