

**Investment Strategy for Crypto Markets**

Based on my experience through multiple bull runs in the crypto market, I recommend a strategic approach to managing your investments:

1. **Diversify Your Investments**: Split your cryptocurrency holdings into two segments:

- **Trading Portion**: Allocate a portion of your crypto assets for active trading.

- **Long-Term Holdings**: Reserve a portion for long-term investments.

2. **Set Clear Targets**: Establish realistic profit targets for your investments. Once you reach these targets, consider taking profits and enjoying the gains.

3. **Avoid Reinvestment**: After achieving your profit targets, refrain from reinvesting in the market or chasing new coins. If you wish to invest further, focus on established cryptocurrencies within the top 20.

4. **Understand Market Cycles**: Bull markets typically last between 5 to 6 months. During this period, market sentiment may lead you to overlook potential downturns. It is crucial to recognize when to exit the market by selling your holdings and to remain patient.

5. **Patience is Key**: Holding your investments and exercising patience can be a significant advantage in the crypto market.

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