Tensions are soaring as Russia’s Foreign Ministry demands consular access to Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, following his sudden arrest in France. The arrest, which took place as Durov stepped off a plane at Paris' Le Bourget airport, has ignited outrage in Moscow, with Russian officials describing it as an indirect act of hostility toward Russia.

The situation is rapidly escalating. The Russian Embassy in France revealed that their requests for explanations and consular access have been met with silence from French authorities. As the world waits for an official statement from France on Monday, speculation is rife about the charges Durov might face—ranging from money laundering to "crimes involving minors" linked to Telegram’s operations.

This arrest has sent shockwaves through the crypto world, with major figures like Elon Musk, Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin, TRON’s Justin Sun, and Solana’s Anatoly Yakovenko voicing their opinions on the situation. While some reports suggest Durov could face up to 20 years in prison, the exact charges remain unclear.

Telegram has responded, stating that they comply with EU law, including the Digital Services Act, and emphasizing that Durov has nothing to hide.

The arrest is more than just a legal matter—it could strain Russia-France relations and have profound implications for the global tech and crypto communities. Stay tuned as this high-stakes drama unfolds.

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