$DOGS showing it trend going up today it up to 0.001300 and more and showing consolidation. I personally hold my tokens and not to sell or panic. Till 28th if good news came out about CEO of TG we can see a pump but there will be a dump on that day because of peoples are uncertain what will happen, so in my opinion it depend on news. If you do not want to hold token or not interested in $DOGS you can convert it to other crypto if you like. As far as I see TG will plan to utilize its token for future which may impact the price but not suddenly it gonna happen it will take time. so be patient for it. If you have good amount of $DOGS tokens and want to sell do not sell in one shot. Sell 10% of token at peak point and hold rest it will gain you a good experience and knowledge if new and it's your first time.

Hope every body make good $ from