Telegram faces new challenges in India following recent developments in France. An investigation by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center, part of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, is scrutinizing Telegram for alleged involvement in blackmail and gambling. This probe could potentially lead to a ban on Telegram's services for Indian organizations.

The investigation comes after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's recent detention by French police at Paris' Le Bourget Airport. Durov, who was arriving from Baku, Azerbaijan, faces a 96-hour detention period due to concerns over the app's handling of criminal activities. Durov's detention is set to continue until August 28.

Durov, known for founding VKontakte, Russia's largest social media platform, left Russia in 2014 under pressure from the government. He launched Telegram in 2013, which has since grown to nearly 1 billion users. Durov holds citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates.

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