BTC won’t stand above 70K in near future.

Hello to all my friends, according to my last update, I predicted BTC might pull up to 67-68K since last Friday was successfully stand above 65K. Unfortunately, BTC was rejected once again at 65K and not able to be close above 65K.

In this case, let’s see what’s gonna happen this week. From Day chart (Picture 1), we can see that BTC had being rejected and start going back down. The double bottom had form beautifully and our family members had gained from this bounce back. And now, it’s time for us to start SHORT trade since it’s failed to stand above 65K.

In monthly chart (Picture 2), we knew that the monthly candle will be close after 6 more days. And you might also notice that the candle is very bearish. I know many of our friends out there is hoping that BTC close in green this month. But in fact, there’s never happen before in the history that BTC can close green after a huge dump. Not only that, MACD is also forming bearish momentum as we can obviously see. In this case, I don’t think BTC can close green and also cross 70K again in near future. So having SHORT position is more realistic and reliable than having LONG position.

Last but not least, I’m glad to announce that I’ve start up my copy-trading portfolio (Picture 3). Due to too many of my dear friends asking me to do so, here I am! I promised myself that I will start my copy trading if my followers reached 10K. It mean a lot to me and you guys pushing me to be better. And yes we did it!

I’ll start my first trade in very soon in this few days and I hope you guys enjoy it. I can promise being 100% win rate in future (Picture 4) but I’ll try my best. And yes. Once again, if you agree with me, don’t forget to hit like, share or comment your thoughts below. I’ll always reply your comments. Thanks for your support and all the best in 2024. Peace and love ❤️