On August 26, French authorities confirmed the detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, in France. The Paris authorities are expected to issue an official statement on the matter on Monday. In response, the Russian Embassy in Paris has requested consular access and the protection of Durov's rights, though French officials have reportedly been uncooperative.

The situation is further complicated by the possibility that France may consider Durov's French citizenship as his primary nationality, a stance that could influence the legal proceedings. Durov, aged 39, is estimated to have a net worth of approximately $15.5 billion, according to Forbes.

The detention has sparked controversy, with Western officials accusing Telegram of being a tool for Russian military intelligence, used to recruit individuals for sabotage activities across Europe. European security officials also claim that Telegram is a key platform for spreading Russian disinformation.

In response, Russian officials have condemned what they see as Western double standards on free speech. Russia's ambassador to Vienna labeled Durov's detention as indicative of rising totalitarian trends, while former President Dmitry Medvedev suggested that this incident should serve as a warning to entrepreneurs considering leaving Russia.